Please click HERE for 2025 Epworth EMAC course dates and registration
2024 DATES - To register for the 2024 waitlist, please contact us
Thursday 22nd February - Saturday 24th February (FULL)
Wednesday 17th April - Friday 19th April (FULL)
Thursday 16th May - Saturday 18th May (FULL)
Thursday 20th June - Saturday 22nd June (FULL)
Thursday 25th July - Saturday 27th July (FULL)
Wednesday 21st August - Friday 23rd August (FULL)
Wednesday 16th October - Friday 18th October (FULL)
Thursday 7th November - Saturday 9th November (FULL)
Wednesday 4th December - Friday 6th December (FULL)
The Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises (EMAC) Course is a simulation-based program focused on managing anaesthetic emergencies.
It consists of five modules, run over two and a half days, and is a compulsory requirement of the anaesthesia training program.
EMAC is run over two and a half days, and consists of the following five modules:
- Human factors
- Airway management
- Cardiovascular emergencies
- Anaesthetic emergencies
- Trauma management
It is taught by experienced anaesthetists and offers a valuable educational opportunity for participants to learn and practice systematic skills in a safe, simulated environment, using high-tech mannequins.
The emphasis is on small group teaching, intensive hands-on simulation practice and personal feedback. Many of the scenarios and drills are designed to build effective communication and teamwork. The course is not assessed, but participants are given direct observational feedback throughout.
Please note that there are no opportunities to complete workplace-based assessments during the course.
EMAC is a mandatory course for all ANZCA trainees and is also accredited for Continuing Professional Development points and emergency response activities for Fellows and Provisional Fellows by the College. Anaesthetic trainees and GP anaesthetic trainees must have completed a minimum of one year of accredited training prior to attending the course. It is expected that the participants on the course would be capable of providing anaesthesia to a simple emergency case such as an appendicectomy without direct supervision.