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Who will attend?


The expected participants are all interpreting DNA variants on a regular basis, professionally, at clinical diagnostic and research labs, and generally speaking, people working with and interpreting DNA. Therefore any products or technologies for molecular genetics and diagnostic labs would be most appropriate to be showcased at this event.  We are especially looking for companies to host workshops showcasing their Genome informatics tools; due to limitations in the program these are extremely limited.


Why partner with isv23?

This is a time of great uncertainty for industries across the world. The International Symposium on Variants in the Genome has a proven track record and provides a unique opportunity for companies to provide knowledge and product training genomics tools and showcase genomics products to a growing market in Portugal, nearby countries and Europe in general.  Attendees from other parts of the world usually also attend.

At the isv23 we gather influencers and key desicion makers from molecular genetics labs. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your products to the people who use them by providing product training in the form of a workshop, a company lecture, an exhibition booth or a combination of these.    We provide ample opportunity for Networking to generate leads in the breaks, poster session, Welcome Function and Conference Dinner.

How can you participate?

  • Trade displays
  • Exclusive sponsorship of name badges/lanyards (one only)
  • Advertising in the program booklet (limited)
  • Advertising in the electronic Abstract booklet
  • Satchel Inserts
  • & more
  • Combination packages to suit you
  • got another idea? Please contact us to discuss.

Connect with us so we can tailor a package for you

Please contact us to request a detailed Sponsorship and Exhibiton Prospectus and to discuss how we can work together to help acheive your goals.

©2022 International Symposium on Variants in the Genome 2023. All rights reserved.