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Salles de réunion Windsor

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Search the iVvy marketplace for a meeting room for your board meetings, team training & sales meetings in Windsor or just for you to get out of the office and avoid those daily distractions. Searches will display what space is available and the price for that time.

In Windsor there are a large choice of venues where you can make a live booking, or if you have more specific needs you can request a quote and someone from the venue will contact you directly. When you make a booking, you can choose from a range of menus available at that meeting venue, and if required also book any accommodation you might need during your stay.

Choose from a Windsor 5 star hotel or just rent a single desk in Windsor, Kellyville Ridge, Bowen Mountain, Rooty Hill, Baulkham Hills or Castle Hill. You can select any audio visual requirements, such as projectors or wifi and most venues will allow you to book by the hour, half day or full day. When you make your booking, you can reserve the space by booking now, and paying later.

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