Instructions for Preparation of Posters
Please prepare your poster as follows:
- portrait style
- width 90 cm
- height 120 cm
Abstract Submission Has Closed.
Notification letters were sent from the email "noreplyATivvy.com" on Friday 16th June by email. Please check your spam box if you did not receive a notification.
Submission Deadline - 18:00 (AEST), Thursday 1st June 2023
We are offering two types of presentation at APDRC6:
- In-person poster presentation
- In-person oral presentation
If you choose "Oral Presentation" we will consider this your first choice however may offer you a poster presentation.
If you choose "Poster Presentation" you will be considered for a poster presentation only.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts are submitted online at the bottom of this page and should be no longer than 150 words. All presentations have equal status, so there is no difference in the standing of oral or poster presentations.
We want to ensure that as many delegates can present as possible, therefore please do not submit more than one abstract per presenter.
The title of your presentation should ideally include the key message of the research. This will help us identify the best session for your presentation. Please do not use full caps for your title or abstract.
View the full formatting instructions below.
The abstract submission deadline is 18:00 (AEST), Thursday 1st June 2023.
To guarantee your place in the programme, every abstract submitter must complete the meeting registration by 18:00 (AEST), Friday 23rd June 2023.
Your abstract will be withdrawn if you do not register by this date. You will be informed about the outcome of your abstract proposal before this deadline. If you have any questions about abstract submission, please contact us.
You can select up to 3 topics for your presentation session.
We will try to allocate your first topic choice, but this might not always be possible.
Topics classify your work generally into major themes. These are intentionally broad. Please only use the other topic if your work very clearly does not fit into the listed topics.
- Developmental Mechanisms
- Cell division and growth control
- Physiology and Metabolism
- Genetics, Genomics, and Evolution
- Neural development and behaviour
- Stem cells and regeneration
- Signalling and cell biology
- Other
You should receive an automatic email notification that your abstract was submitted successfully. If you do not receive such a notification please contact Rania to check the status of your submission.
Your abstract will be reviewed after the closing date of 1st June 2023. Notification of the outcome shall be via email so please ensure your email address is entered correctly when submitting.
If you have not yet registered, why not do it now.